英語絵本「You Get What You Get」

英語絵本「You Get What You Get」カッとなっても始まらないよ

英語絵本「You Get What You Get」の読み聞かせです。ついついカンシャクを起してしまう子供におすすめの一冊です。「throw a fit」はカッとなる 、カンカンに怒るといった意味。

「You Get What You Get」を日本語になおすと「あなたが得られるもの」とか「あなたが得るものを得る」といった意味でしょうか。カッとなってもイライラしてもなるようになるさ..みたいな感じかなと思います。


Melvin did not deal well with disappointment.

If his cookie had half as many chocolate chips as his sister’s, look out!


If he lost his turn during a game, stand back!

and if he didn’t get exactly what he wanted…

well, you know…

“Sorry, Melvin they were out of dinosaur backpacks.”


No, Melvin did not deal well with disappointment.

And this is why he hated his teacher’s favorite rule.

You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.

Because of this rule, Melvin could not throw a fit if he had to use crayons instead of markers.


He could not throw a fit if he ended up last in line.


He couldn’t even throw a fit if his napkin was pink instead of green.


“Oh, well.” mumbled Melvin,  ”at least I can still throw a fit at home.
“しかたがない。” メルビンはつぶやいた。「少なくとも、私はまだ家でカッとなることができます。

My family doesn’t know a thing, about that terrible rule.”


But that night when it was Melvin’s turn to choose the movie, things changed as soon as he’d chosun Dynasur Rumble, his sister stomped her foot and whined.

“But I want to watch a pony called trouble!”

“Too bad! You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit,” said Melvin.
「残念! あなたが得るものを手に入れ、そしてあなたはカッとしない」とメルビンは言った。

Everyone stopped and looked at Melvin.


“What did you say?” asked Dad.
“何って言ったの?” お父さんは尋ねた。

“You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit” repeated Melvin.


“So if your cookie only has a few chocolate chips, you shouldn’t throw a fit?” asked his sister.
「それなら、あなたのクッキーがほんの数個のチョコレートチップしか持っていないなら、あなたはイライラしちゃダメではありませんか?」 彼の妹は尋ねた。

“And if you lose a turn during a game, you shouldn’t throw a fit?” ask ed his dad.
「そして、ゲーム中にターンを失った場合、あなたはイライラするべきではない?」 彼のお父さんは尋ねました。


“And if the dinosaur backpacks are all sold out,

you should be happy with the robot one, and you absolutely should not throw a fit?! asked his mom.
あなたはロボットに満足している必要があり、絶対にカッとならないでください! 彼のお母さんはたずねた。


Melvyn gulped. There was no way to take it back everyone knew.


“Well I mean, at school you shouldn’t throw a fit.

‘caue that’s the rule. But at home, you can,” he said.


“I think that sounds like a good rule for at home too,” said Dad.

“I agree!” said Mom.
“同意する!” とお母さん。


“Home and school that’s the rule!” his sister chanted.
「家と学校がルールだ!」 彼の妹は唱えた。

Melvin wanted to cry.

He wanted to shout.

He wanted to lie down on the ground and throw his arms and legs about.

But he didn’t.


After all you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.