ドクタースースの英語絵本「The Tree Doctor」

ドクタースースの英語絵本「The Tree Doctor」木のお医者さん

リーディング学習向けの英語絵本「The Tree Doctor」の読み聞かせです。Dr.スースでおなじみの帽子をかぶった猫と一緒に木のお医者さんを訪ねます。お話の中ではちょっと変わった名前のマシンが登場します。



“Breakfast!” called Sally.
“朝ごはん!” サリーは呼ぶ。

The pancakes are hot!

Let’s find out how much maple syrup we’ve got.”


“Trees give sap to make syrup,”

said Nick. “But this one is so small, we can’t make
any syrup. No fun!”


“I smell pancakes!” the Cat cried.
「パンケーキの匂いがする」 猫が鳴いた。

Oh, I hope I am right.

I love golden pancakes, all fluffy and light, with sweet maple syrup.

Oh, pour me some, please!

It’s my favorite thing that we get from the trees.”


“We’ve got pancakes,” said Nick.

“But unfortunately, no sap to make syrup from our maple tree.”

“Not to worry!” the Cat said.
“心配無用!” 猫は言った。

“Today I’ll take you to meet the Tree Doctor.

He’ll know what to do.”

“Meet Dr. Twiggles! He takes care of trees.
「トウィグル博士に会いましょう! 彼は木の世話をする。

He swings through the branches and hangs by his knees!”
彼は枝に膝をかけてぶら下がって揺れている! 」


“Hello.” said the doctor.

“Yes it’s up to me to respond to and treat every tree-mergency!”


“Now, what brings you three to the Wild Wooly Wood?”

“Our tree’s not growing.” answer Nick, “as should.”
「私たちの木は成長していません」 ニックはこたえた。「なるはずなのに」

“Little tree,” said the doctor,

“how are you feeling? Are your twigs in a twist?

Has your bark started peeling?”


“Hmm… colors nice and dark.

Stem is not bumpy.

Branches aren’t brittle.

Twigs are not lumpy.

But there leaves are drooping, and that means,

I’d say, I should check your tree’s roots and do so right away.”


“Check the roots?” Sally asked.
「根をチェックしますか?」 サリーは尋ねた。

“How can you do that?”

“To the Thinga-ma-jigger!” cried The Cat in
the Hat.

“Flip the Thrilla-ma-driller and we’ll see if it’s ill.

If you’ve never seen tree roots, well, soon we all will!”


“Look at that,” said Nick.

“That really is neat.

The roots of a tree are like a tree’s feet.”


“Absolutely!” the Cat cried.
「絶対に!」 猫はさけんだ。

“I happen to know roots soak up food and water and help the tree grow.”


“I’ve got it!” the doc said.

“Now I see why your tree isn’t growing.

The soil is too dry.”

“It needs water?” the Cat asked.
「水が必要ですか?」 猫は尋ねた。

“I know what to do.

This is a job for Thing One and Thing Two!”


Those two Things jumped out, and they gave a big yank to the crank on the side of the Thinga-ma-tank.

But they turned it too far and they turned it too fast.

Water shot out in a soaking wet blast!


“Good job!” it’s at the doc.

“But our work is not done.

To get healthy, your tree needs to get lots of Sun.”

“I know!” cried the Cat.
“知っている!」 猫は叫んだ。

“Your tree will feel right when my Brighta-ma-lighter gives it sunlight.”


“Now just wait.” said the doc.

“In forty years you can tap your tree and make syrup from the maple tree sap.”

“Forty years!” said Nick.
「40年!」 ニックは言った。

“When our tree is that old, our stack of pancakes will really cold!”


“No problem!” said the doc.

“For I have right here some syrup I made in the spring of last year.


And I have something else – a bag of maple keys, full of maple tree seeds to grow even more trees.”
そして、私は、他の何か - より多くの木を栽培するカエデの木の種でいっぱいのバッグ を持っています。」


Back home, Nick said,

“This syrup is good and I have lots of fun in the Wild Wooly Would.”

“Eat up!” said the Cat.
「平らげる!」 猫は言った。

Then I need your help please.

After breakfast let’s go and plant…

..more maple trees!