英語絵本「The Invisible String」

英語絵本「The Invisible String」結ばれた見えない糸

英語絵本「The Invisible String」の読み聞かせです。Invisible Stringは見えない糸、日本でいう所の『幸せの赤い糸』ですね。


your love travels all the way along the String until I feel it tug on my heart



To the children of the world and the magic their strings..


Liza and Jeremy the twins were asleep one calm and quiet night.

Suddenly it began to rain very hard. Thunder rumbled until it got so loud that it woke them up.
突然、雨が降り始めました。 雷鳴は彼らを起こすほどとどろくような音でした。

“Mommy Mommy!” they cried out as they ran to her.
「ママ ママ!」彼らは彼女に向かって走りながら叫んだ。


“Don’t worry you two! It’s just the storm making all that noise. Go back to bed.”

“We want to stay close to you.” said Jeremy.

“We’re scared!”

Mom said. “You know we’re always together, no matter what.”

“But how can we be together when you’re out here and
we’re in bed!” said Liza.


Mom held something right in front of him and said, “This is
ママは自分の目の前で何かをもって言った、 「これは方法です」

Rubbing their sleepy eyes, the twins came closer to see what Mom was holding, “I was about your age when my Mommy first told me about the Invisible String.”


“I don’t see a string.” said Jeremy.

“You don’t need to see the Invisible String People who love each other are always connected by a very special String made of love.”

“But if you can’t see it how do you know it’s there?” asked Liza.

“Even though you can’t see it with your eyes, you can feel it with your heart and know that you are always connected to everyone you love.”


When you’re at school and you miss me, your love travels all the way along the String until I feel it tug on my heart.”

“And when you tug it right back, we feel it in our hearts.” said Jeremy.


“Does Jasper the cat have an Invisible String!” Liza asked.

“She sure does,” said Mom.

“And best friends like me and Lucy?” ask Liza.
「それから私とルーシーのような親友は?」 リサが尋ねる。

“Best friends too!”

“How far can the String reach?”

“Anywhere and everywhere,” Mom said.


“Would it reached me even if I were a submarine captain deep in the ocean!” asked Jeremy.”Yes,” Mom said. “Even there.”
「私が海底の潜水艦のキャプテンであっても、私に届くだろうか」 ジェレミーに尋ねた。「はい」、ママは言った。 「そこでさえ」


“Or a mountain-climber!” “Even there.”
「または登山家!」 「そこでさえ」

“A ballerina in France!” “Even there.”
「フランスのバレリーナ!」 「そこでさえ」

“A jungle-explorer!” “Even there.”
「ジャングル探検家!」 「そこでさえ」

“How about an astronaut out in space!” “Yes even there.”
「外宇宙の宇宙飛行士はどう?」 「はい そこでさえ」

Then Jeremy quietly asked. “Can my string reach all the way to. Uncle Brian in Heaven?”

“Yes.. even there.”
「はい そこでさえ。。」


“Does the String go away when you’re mad at us?”

“Never,” said Mom, “Love is stronger than anger, and as long as love is in your heart, the String will always be there.”

“Even when you get older and can’t agree about things like what movie to see…

.. or who gets to ride in the front seat…


.. or what time to go to bed

Oh! that’s right! You two should be in bed!”
ああ! そのとおり! あなたは二人がベッドにいなければなりません! 」


And with that, they all laughed as Mom chase the twins back to their beds.


Within a few minutes, they were asleep even though the storm was still making the same loud noises outside.

As they slept, they started dreaming of all the invisible Strings they have, and all the Strings their friends have.

and their friends have.

and their friends have.

until everyone in the world was connected by Invisible Strings .

And from deep inside, they now could clearly see…


no one is ever alone.