エリック・カールの英語絵本Mister Seahorse

エリック・カールの英語絵本Mister Seahorse

エリック・カールの英語絵本Mister Seahorseの読み聞かせ動画をご紹介します。





“I’ll take good care of our eggs,” said Mr. Seahorse, “I promise.”

“I promise”は「約束します」という意味で、誰かに対して自分の言動を約束する時によく使います。この表現は堅い約束や誓いをする際に用いられます。

“You should feel proud of yourself,” said Mr. Seahorse and swam on his way.
“Feel proud of oneself”は「自分自身を誇りに思う」という意味で、自分の成果や努力に誇りを感じるときに使います。他人に対してもこの表現を使って励ますことができます。


“Mr. and Mrs. Seahorse drifted gently through the sea.”

“Mrs. Seahorse began to wiggle and twist, this way and that.”


“It’s time for me to lay my eggs,” she said.

“Can I help?” asked Mr. Seahorse.

“Oh, yes, thank you,” said Mrs. Seahorse, and she laid her eggs into a pouch on Mr. Seahorse’s belly.

“I’ll take good care of our eggs,” said Mr. Seahorse, “I promise.”


As Mr. Seahorse drifted gently through the sea, he passed right by a group of trumpet fish hidden in a patch of reeds.


But before long, Mr. Seahorse met another fish.

“How are you, Mr. Stickleback?” asked Mr. Seahorse.

“Delighted,” replied Mr. Stickleback.

“I just built a nest, and right away Mrs. Stickleback laid her eggs into it. Now I am taking good care of them until they hatch.”

“Keep up the good work,” said Mr. Seahorse and swam on his way.


As Mr. Seahorse drifted gently through the sea, he passed right by a lionfish hiding behind a coral reef.


But before long, Mr. Seahorse met another fish.

“How are you, Mr. Tilapia?” asked Mr. Seahorse.

Mr. Tilapia couldn’t answer, hmm, his mouth was full of eggs.

“I know, I know,” said Mr. Seahorse, “Mrs. Tilapia laid her eggs. Now you are taking good care of them until they hatch.”

Mr. Tilapia nodded his head.

“You must be very happy,” said Mr. Seahorse, and swam on his way.


As Mr. Seahorse drifted gently through the sea, he passed right by a pair of leaffish hidden among the seaweed.


But before long, Mr. Seahorse met another fish.

“How are you, Mr. Curtis?” asked Mr. Seahorse.

“Perfectly fine,” replied Mr. Curtis.

“Mrs. Curtis laid her eggs and I have stuck them on my head. Now I am taking good care of them until they hatch.”

“You are doing a good job,” said Mr. Seahorse and swam on his way.


As Mr. Seahorse drifted gently through the sea, he passed right by a stonefish hidden behind a rock.


But before long, Mr. Seahorse met another fish.

“How are you, Mr. Pipe?” asked Mr. Seahorse.

“Couldn’t be better,” replied Mr. Pipe, “This is Pipe laid her eggs along my belly. Now I am taking good care of them until they hatch.”

“You should feel proud of yourself,” said Mr. Seahorse and swam on his way.


But before long, Mr. Seahorse met another fish.

“How are you, Mr. Bullhead?” asked Mr. Seahorse.

“Tiptop,” replied Mr. Bullhead.

“Mrs. Bullhead laid her eggs, and the eggs hatched. Now I’m babysitting.”

“You are doing a fine job,” said Mr. Seahorse, and swam on his way.


The time had come for the seahorse babies to be born.

Mr. Seahorse wiggled and twisted, this way and that.

At last, the babies stumbled from Mr. Seahorse’s pouch and swam away.

One baby turned around and tried to come back into the pouch.

“Oh no,” said Mr. Seahorse, “I do love you, but now you are ready to be on your own.”

The end.