英語絵本の読み聞かせI Want to Be!

英語絵本の読み聞かせ 『I Want to Be!』リトル・プリンセスのおはなし

英語絵本の読み聞かせ動画、今回はリトル・プリンセスのおはなし『I Want to Be!』。

“I Want to Be ~” は子どもたちが将来を語る時によく聞くフレーズですね。「~になりたい」とか「こうありたい」みたいなニュアンスでしょうか。

ちいさなお姫様が自分の成長を意識して、どうあるべきかをまわりの大人達に”What is the best way to be?” 直訳すれば「最善の方法は何ですか?」と質問していきます。




“The time has come to grow up,” thought the Little princess.



“I wonder how I should do it? Perhaps I should be different.”



“But what sort of different should I be?”



“That’s not what I should be. I’d better ask Mum.”



“What is the best way to be?” she asked.
“Be kind…” said her mother.
“… like your father.”





“What is the best way to be?” the Little Prince asked.
“Be loving.” said her father.
“… like your mother.”





“What is the best way to be?”the Little Princess asked.
“Be clean.” said the Cook.




“There is such a lot to remember.” thought the Little Princess.



“I must be kind, loving and clean.”



“What is the best way to be?” the Little Princess asked.
“Be brave.” said the General.


「勇気を出せ。」 将軍は言いました。


“Be brave.” thought the Little Princess.



“That’s it! Then I could get spiders out of the bath myself.”

「それだ! それで、私は自分自身でクモを浴室から取り出すことができました。」


“What is the best way to be?” the Little Princess asked.
“Be good at swimming…” said the Admiral.




“…then you will be safe if your boat ever sinks.”



“What is the best way to be?” the Little Princess asked.
“Be clever.” said the Prime Minister.


「賢くしてください。」 首相を言いました。


“And be healthy.” said the Doctor.

「そして、健康にしてください。」 先生が言いました。


“Oh dear!” thought the Little Princess.” I must be kind,loving and clean, brave, good at swimming, clever and healthy.



I haven’t got that many fingers!”



“Growing up is so difficult.”



“What is the best way to be?” the Little Princess asked.
“Oh I don’t know.” said the Maid.




“I suppose the important question is… what do you want to be?”

「私の推測ですが重要な問題は… あなたは何になりたいですか?」


“I want to be…
tall.” said the Little Princess.

「わたしがなりたいのは.. 高く」とリトルプリンセス。


“But you are tall.” said the little prince.
