Curious George Rain or Shine

英語絵本の読み聞かせ「Curious George Rain or Shine」おさるのジョージの天気予報



タイトルは「Curious George Rain or Shine」。日本語絵本でも「あした てんきになあれ」として出版されているおはなしですね。

最近、子供が勉強する英語の文章は少し長めのものになってきているので、 英語の絵本もそれに合わせて文書量の多いものに挑戦してみようと探してみました。あまり難しい単語が出てきても途中で飽きてしまいますから、簡単な英語で書かれているこのおさるのジョージの英語絵本はちょうどぴったりな素材でした。



Curious George was a playful little monkey.

likes most playful monkeys.

he loved having fun outside.


but sometimes weather would not cooperate with George.

it would be too windy for playing ball. Or too wet for flying a kite.


George was tired of the weather ruining his fun. He decided that he would just have to be prepared for anything.


Then the doorman told him that some animals have a special way to tell the weather.



George was curious. He didn’t think that he was one of these animals. but maybe he could become one!


George decided to ask his friend the man with the yellow hat.



The man told George about his saying that sailors use to help them predict the weather.


“red sky at night sailor’s delight” this meant that if a sailor saw a bright, red sunset the next day would be sunny!



That gave George an idea. He would draw his pictures of the sky and then watch what happened to the weather. He started with the red sunset that evening.


The next day was warm and sunny. He drew a picture of that below the sunset from the day before. He even drew the cricket that he met while he was drawing Chirrp-chirrp!



The next morning there were dark clouds to draw. His cricket friend was back. But he was much quieter on that chilly day.
Chirrp. by that afternoon. it was raining.


hmm.. did clouds mean that it would rain? George thought so.
These drawings were becoming very useful.


The next day George used his drawings to help make a decision. When the man asked if George wanted to go on a picnic, George predicted that the clouds he saw that morning would mean rain later on. he decided to stay at home.



But it never rained in fact, it was a beautiful day the blue sky was full of white fluffy clouds.



Ah ha! So maybe dark clouds meant that it would rain! White clouds meant that the weather would be good. George was so happy when he saw a sky full of white clouds the next morning. Now he could go on that picnic.


But George’s happiness didn’t last long. Wind blew a storm in that soaked his sandwich. The wind rain had ruined his picnic, and his prediction. The weather business was not easy. How was George supposed to predict the wind too?


The next day, George noticed a flag flapping in the wind he didn’t have a flag, so he used the man’s sock as one. George watched as the sock flapped in the direction the wind blew.



George also had a pinwheel. When the wind blew fast, his bee pinwheel spun quickly. When the wind blew slowly or not at all, the pinwheel spun slowly too. Now he could tell how fast the wind was blowing.



As a special treat, George’s friend took him to the weather station for a visit. There were no socks, and pinwheel, crayons, or crickets. How do they predict the weather?


The weather scientists told George that they use radar and satellites in space to find weather patterns.


Unfortunately, they were missing one of their satellites. They wouldn’t be able to predict the day’s weather for the mayor’s big golf game. George had an idea!


George raced home. The sock and the pinwheel showed the morning storm clouds were being blown away. His drawings showed the sky was red the night before, and the cricket was terrific quietly. George predicted it would be a good day for golfing! He could predict the weather after all.


Back at the weather station, the mayor was happy to hear the news! He invited everyone to come to the golf course.


George had one more prediction to make that day — tomorrow would be a great day for a picnic.

ジョージはその日もう一度予測しました – 明日はピクニックのための素晴らしい一日になります。