英語絵本「I Don't Want to Go to Bed!」

英語絵本「I Don’t Want to Go to Bed!」ベットに入りたくないリトルプリンセスのおはなし


「I Don’t Want to Go to Bed!」は直訳すると「ベットに行きたくないよ!」とか「まだ眠りたくないよ!」とか、ここではどちらでもOKですね。




“Why do I have to go to bed when I’m not tired,

and get up when I am?” said the Little Princess.


“I don’t want to go to bed.” she said.
「私はベットに行きたくない」 彼女は言いました。


“Bed is good for you.” said the Doctor,

taking her upstairs. “Sleep is even better.”
彼女を二階に連れて行く。 「睡眠はさらに良いです。」


But the Little Princess came straight down again.

“I don’t want to go to bed.” she said.
「私はベットに行きたくない」 彼女は言いました。


“I want a glass of water!”

“There you are,” said the Queen.

“Sleepy, sleepy tighty.”




“You don’t want another glass of water?” said the king.

“No,” said the Little Princess. “Gilbert does.”


“Nighty, nighty.” said the king.

“Sleepy tighty, Gilbert.”

“Don’t go!” said a Little Princess.

“There’s a monster in the wardrope.”


“There’s no such thing as monsters,

and there are none in the wardrope.”

said the king, closing the bedroom door.


“Dad!” shouted the Little Princess.
“パパ!” リトルプリンセスは叫んだ。

“What is it now?” said the king.
“今時なんですか?” 王は言った。

“You’re not still frightened of monsters?”


“Of course I’m not,” said the Little Princess.

“Gilbert is. He says there’s one under the bed.”
「ギルバートが。 彼がベットの下にそれがいるという」


“No there isn’t,” said the King, creeping out of the bedroom.

“There’s no such thing.”


“Stop her!” shouted the Queen. “She’s escaped.”

“I don’t want to go to bed!” said the Little Princess.

“Why?” said the Queen.


“There’s a spider over my bed..

and it’s got hairy legs.”

“Daddy’s got hairy legs, and he’s nice.” said Queen


At last, the Little Princess went to bed.

Later, when the King went in to kiss her goodnight,

her bed was empty.


Everyone hunted high…and low, until…


“Here she is.” said the Maid.

“She’s keeping Gilbert and the cat safe from spiders and monsters.”

The next morning, the Little Princess got up and yawned a yawn. “I’m tired.” she said.
翌朝、リトルプリンセスが立ち上がり、夜明けを迎えました。 「つかれた。」彼女は言いました。


“I want to go to bed.”